All A Buyer Needs To Know About Blue Diamonds & How To Spot A Fake One
The following item contains information about blue diamonds and on how to look out for fake items.
Decorative items of jewellery have been worn and collected by men and women for centuries. They are designed to add to the wearer’s stylish appearance or maybe as a financial investment.
Jewellery comes in many forms when worn on the body, with earrings, brooches, necklaces, rings, and bracelets among its popular items. These consist of a backing metal or material which is often enhanced by valuable stones. Alternatively, some choose to get blue diamonds.
Why Purchase Loose Blue Diamonds
All blue diamonds are natural and rare, being mainly mined in three places in Australia, India and South Africa, which makes them highly valued. Their purchase can be seen as a tremendous investment, or they can be used to form incredibly valuable items of jewellery when taken to expert craftsmen.
Blue diamonds contain a very high colour intensity and displaying a deep blue colour are the rarest, with larger stones, as in all gems being harder to come by and much more expensive, along with the carat weight. It takes millions of years for the diamonds to form in the earth’s crust after they are exposed to the chemical element, boron.
Blue diamonds are extremely attractive, often carrying a secondary hue which leads to the stone being slightly more green or grey in appearance. The description of each diamond refers to it by its colour intensity level.
Engagement rings are one popular use of blue diamonds, meaning that such a token when given by a partner is one of great sentimental value and worth, which can be added to by the addition of further stones. The stones look particularly incredible when set in white gold.
Earrings also rank highly in the choice of using blue diamonds, which are guaranteed to grab the attention of onlookers, or perhaps a pendant might be the jewellery item of choice to adorn with beautiful stones. Such stunning items would not go amiss in the membership enclosure of a racecourse connected with royalty.
How To Tell If Your Blue Diamond Is Genuine

A great way to defend one’s self against such an unfortunate circumstance is to go to a registered dealer with customer testimonials and years of experience. You should make sure these dealers have gotten their loose blue diamonds GIA certified. There are also tests that can be carried out by any individual to ensure the legitimacy of these precious stones; these include the fog and water test.
A fog test entails breathing warm air on the stone, which is placed on the finger and is moved back and forth a few times. If the blue diamond retains its brilliance, then it’s an authentic natural precious stone. A lab-created fake diamond will see the stone become misty.
The water test relates to whether the diamond has been synthetically set. If the stone floats when dropped in a glass of water, it is genuine. If it sinks, it’s likely to be counterfeit.
To Conclude
A blue diamond is rare and valuable, providing a wonderful adornment to any item of jewellery, but it is important that the purchaser is guaranteed that they are obtaining a genuine item.