Every Girl Needs A Choker Necklace
It’s a fashion statement. It just doesn’t show how much you rebel against society, it also shows class in women you would never expect. There are a lot to choose from after all and just because most chokers we see are black, doesn’t mean that that’s all there is. Just like how there are so many different earrings to choose from, there are also a ton of chokers to wear on different occasions.
It’s just a matter of taste and style. Now let’s look at the best ones I’ve found so far.
The Black Strap Choker

This one’s the most common choker we see most of the time. It’s just a plain black thing that sits comfortably and snuggly on your neck. It’s simple and doesn’t really sparkle or anything but the simplicity is the best thing about it. Minimalistic is the best type of fashion. And the best part, to me, is the fact that it doesn’t itch or disturb me when I move. It’s comfortable and I absolutely love it.
Gold Metal Chokers

They are studded with pearls and stones while the metal itself is, you guessed it, made in a golden colour. It adds elegance to the neck. Depending on the style you pick out, it could give out different kinds of gestures and looks for you. Some don’t even need some pearls or any kinds of stones to them. Just leave it as is and it can still bring out a really nice result.
All-In-Knots Chokers

Very simplistic and it’s something that adds to the shirts that have low necklines, which highlights the cleavage area. Slightly risqué, since it attracts the eyes to the chest area. Hey, if you have it then flaunt it. Be proud of what you have and emphasize it by wearing fashionable jewellery. There are also simpler ones found here that might interest you.
Leather Chokers

Because leather is always sexy no matter what anyone says. What else is there to say? A choker made of leather is cute and comfortable as it sits nicely on your throat. The better the design, the cuter it gets. You can go overboard with the bigger ones to make a bold fashion statement, or you can go for smaller and simpler ones that are subtle about their look.
Tattoo Chokers

These ones were famous back in the 90’s and it’s making a comeback for good reason. They were stylish back then that every woman you see in the streets were found wearing them, and now it seems like some girls are starting to come back to that trend. Whether you go for the coloured ones that accentuate your type of style or just go for the simple black ones (like me), it will still strike a fashion statement. They look nice and sexy hence why girls wear them. Try one out that has a pendant on it.
So are chokers your type of jewellery? They definitely feel a lot better than when you wear any other heavy jewellery, huh? Try some out and see if they’re your style!